82nd Entry Reunion 2014
Thursday 22nd - Friday 23rd May
Peterborough Business Park Lynch Wood Peterborough PE2 6GB Tel: 01733 371111
Another year passes, I attach below the report which Mike Pond has forwarded to be included in "The Haltonian". I have added some photographs of events and personnel. Thanks to George Wade for managing to get a few pictures for the site. Members of the ex-82nd Entry RAF Halton gathered for their 27th consecutive annual reunion at the Peterborough Marriott Hotel on the 22 nd and 23 rd May 2014. Most arrived on the Thursday afternoon to torrential rain, thunder and lightening but such climatic events by no means “dampened our spirits”. No excuse to go out so the bar was soon crowded, greetings and hugs exchanged and oft repeated stories of the past began, only to be interrupted by the entry meeting at 17.30, in the ‘Silver Ghost’ room, before supper.
Friday dawned bright and sunny and after a great breakfast (they served Kippers), a large group departed for RAF Wittering to include a guided tour of the Harrier museum and lunch in The Sergeants Mess. Others took off for Stamford and other destinations. Again we gathered at 17.15 in the “Pulse Bar” and then along to the “Emperor Suite” for our formal dinner, enjoyed by all. The room was beautifully prepared by ‘Rip’, Julia, Chas and Maureen and other helpers, with original entry banner and, as always, this occasion was graced by our ladies attending. The raffle raised £150.00 towards funds and a great evening was enjoyed by all into “the wee small hours”. The whole event was organised by ‘Rip’ and Julia Kirby. They did us proud, it all went like clockwork and we are all most appreciative of their efforts. After another great breakfast on Saturday, we said our farewells and most departed in different directions after yet another memorable gathering. The venue for ‘Reunion 2015’ is the Telford Hotel and Golf Resort, Shropshire on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd May, to be organised by Martin Harvy and Maggie. Diary it now and see you all there, golf clubs and all.
Numbers were somewhat reduced this time around but attending were Dave Triggs, John & Uta Humphries, John & Doreen Hester, Martin Harvey & Maggie, Syd & Lydia Rew, Chas & Maureen Dewar, Brian & Julia Kirby, Maurice & Christine Conybear, Ian & Maureen Newton and carer Andrea Szegegi, Bryn & Sheila Spratley, Nigel Bacon & Margaret Ironside, Mick Simmons, Ernie King, Dave & Lynn Pearson, George Wade and Mike & Eileen Pond. Mick & Betty Stracey called in on Thursday afternoon to say hello but Mick had to attend for a long awaited medical procedure the next day so could not stay. It was also great to welcome back 581 “Rigger Pnue” (Ian Newton) and Maureen back after Ian’s severe medical problems some three years ago.
Apologies were received from Christina Simmons, Bill & Julie Boyd, ‘Ginge’ & Jean Ashenden, Bryan & Evelyn Gillingham and Glynn & Michelle Jones. On Thursday evening, aftre pre dinner drinks in the “Pulse Bar” (yes, some of us still have a pulse!!!), we gathered in the “Emperor Suite” for a delightful Carvery Buiffet accompanied by a few ‘bevvies’ and wines and much chat into the evening. Later, a few then retired to the bar to continue the stories.
Gathering at RAF Wittering Main Gate.
Exhibits at Wittering
Ready to dine on Friday 23rd.